Have you ever noticed that a lot of people seem to only be able to talk about themselves. You can be talking to them and it is as if you aren't even there; these people go on and on about how they are involved in this and that, about how great their job is going, or about how wonderful everything is for them (even if it really isn't). You are just standing there, and at first you think this might be an enjoyable, interesting conversation, and then you slowly realize that you might as well be a deaf mute since so and so could really care less about anything that is going on in your life. There are, of course, those lovely people who are really good listeners as well as good conversationalists, but they are few and far between. I have tried to be like these self-interested folks, but find it very hard to take off on myself, gabbing about how great I think I am. In fact, when I realize that I have encountered someone with this personality, I just want to say to them, "You know what, I have lost interest, and why don't you shut up and let me go on about my own business." But I am polite and just keep standing there hoping to find away to break from the conversation. Maybe these people are the people that get the jobs and end up getting everything in life they want. Maybe the meek just end of with crap....I don't know....I was just sitting here thinking about things and thought I'd write it all down for everyone to yawn over. Anyway, thanks
s hamilton
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