Today I was once again thinking about the fact that I will finish school and graduate in May. It is kind of sad for me to think about being through Where have the last 4 years gone? Believe it or not I have had the best time going to college, even though a good majority of the other, much younger students have often approached me with caution and suspicion, all the while wondering WHY in the world I have invaded their space. That's OK however; I understand and wonder this same thing myself some days.
Now I must again make a decision on whether to stay in Oklahoma and perhaps go on to graduate school or should I move on. But move on to where?? As I get older I think maybe I should live nearer my oldest child down in the hill country of Texas, but to move again boggles my mind. I ask myself WHEN will I feel like I am home to stay? Maybe home is where ever one feels the happiest, but perhaps this is the problem...WHERE have I felt the happiest?
Well, that was way back in the 80s when my children were much younger and still in school in East Texas, and I was someone else with a very different life than what I am leading now. I cannot go back to that time nor should I. I guess that means I will need to go forward and keep looking for that place where I feel happiest. Then and only then will I be home to stay.
Sylvia Hamilton
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