Stop the Insanity

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I am seriously considering going to Kerrville (The Hill Country of Texas) for Spring Break. My oldest child lives there with her family and I like the area very much. I worry about leaving my three cats alone, although my son will see after them....he doesn't care for them like I do however. It is a very very windy day today (one of many experienced in Oklahoma- you know the kind, the ones where everything in the yard if blown into the surrounding fields). My son read where many of the Oklahoma pioneer women used to just sort of go crazy living out on the prairies of Oklahoma cause the wind would seldom stop blowing. I can see where that could happen cause on so many days (especially in the wintertime), I too feel like this terrific force is taking over me, surrounding me, attempting to defeat me - to drive me crazy. I think that it may be true what some people say about nature being God himself. The indomitable power of the wind reminds me that we all are but insignificant pieces of matter being blown around out there, and that in the end, only God in the disguise of nature will win out. But then what do I know.....?
s hamilton


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