I just read Thomas Hardy's "Nobody Comes" and find the poem very haunting. You can just see this person standing by his or her gate just watching as a car goes by and not one stops in front of the house. The poem is about loneliness, of course, but maybe it is also about living in a rural area with miles and miles between houses and contact with neighbors, or maybe its about becoming old and being left behind by those who are far too busy to come visit. I don't know really; I just know the poem makes you sit and think about this person standing alone by the gate - in the dark night. s hamilton
First, what a great picture choice for this blog. Very nicely done. I also like how you analyzed the poem to have three different potential meanings. That's one of the really cool things about poetry (and other arts). They always are subject to each individual's interpretation. I think I could see all of those concepts in that poem, especially now that you pointed it out. If we are taking it to its most general layer, I'd almost think the poem also could be about life moving on past us while we watch, helpless to prevent it. Thanks for sharing your insight.
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