Stop the Insanity

Sunday, September 17, 2006

We are reading Auden's poetry and I like it very much. I enjoy poetry about life and growing old and death. Eliot and Auden seem to touch on these topics frequently and profoundly making me stop and think about what I already know...that it is all about the cycle of life , the cycle of the universe, that we have so little control. I can look back on the times and events of my life and see it all, all this decay and just doesn't seem to get any easier however, or maybe I am yet not old enough to live with it all in peace. Maybe..... s hamilton


At 2:31 PM, Blogger Dorothy Cady said...

Hi Sylvia,

Many years before my mother passed on, I remember her telling me something about being okay with death approaching. (She wasn't on her death bed, just making a statement about it being okay for her to move on to the next stage when the time came.) I didn't understand that. To me, everyone should work to hold on to life as long as possible. But now that I'm older, I'm beginning to understand her point.

Our children are both adults now and capable of standing on their own. I've met the few goals in life I originally had set for myself. I've since set others, of course, but I've accomplished the ones I thought most important. Now that's not to say that some of the others I've created aren't important, because they are. But it's like icing on the cake. I'm happy to have been able to eat the cake itself. If I also get to eat the icing, well then, that's a bonus. I think my mom may have thought about her life that way too, at least once she'd come to the conclusion that it was okay to move on.

You know, Sylvia, I hadn't really thought much about any of this. But your posting stirred my mind and heart. Thanks for that, and for letting me share my thoughts with you (and the ten million others who might read this post.) LOL



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